Who Is The Most Dangerous?
Recently, I started watching this show called “Billions.”
I’m in the middle of Season 2, and it is a brilliant and mesmerizing show that depicts the battle between the CEO of a Wall Street Hedge Fund and the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of NY.
Ands it is a true battle of wits, might, and it gets ugly in every way.
(I won’t spoil the show…)
But there is one line from the show that came out in the heat of an exchange between the two at the end of Season One that I wanted to share:
The only thing more dangerous than a person with unlimited resources is a person who has nothing to lose.
When you think about it, there is tremendous wisdom and truth in this, and a poignant lesson to be learned for every person, organization, and even nation of great power.
No matter how much money, people, and assets you may have to fight…
…if the other guy has nothing to lose and is willing to go do the unthinkable then we have a very big problem indeed.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
From those desperate and willing to act as suicide bombers to those that would actually push the button on a nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack, there is no winning even if you are the last one left standing.
The other guy who feels he has already lost is willing to take you with him by any and all means.
Therefore, we cannot and should not ever think that the battle against evil is won, because even when the opponent appears in all respects to be defeated that may be when they become even more dangerous to us than ever. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)