The Iranian Malachi Crunch
Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called “The Iranian Malachi Crunch.”
Iran is not alone in using Malachi Crunch tactics, as Russia itself employs Belarus as another front from which to stage its war, missiles, and attacks against Ukraine. As we know, when surrounded by multiple fronts, an adversary takes an unfair advantage to pummel their opponent in the middle (similar to what Israel’s nation-state enemies did to them in the wars of 1948, 1967, and 1973). When the time comes to take out Iran’s nuclear weapons and, hopefully, their drone production and storage facilities as well, we can be sure that Hamas and Hezbollah will use the Iranian Malachi Crunch to fire barrage after barrage of deadly missiles from the North and South at the heart of Israel’s civilian population.
So, in addition to the threat of Iran’s nuclear weapons, Israel needs to make sure that Hamas and Hezbollah don’t set them up for the feared and violent “crunch.” Israel needs to avoid being positioned in the middle of the attack that is sure to come and threaten the entire country simultaneously. Instead, Israel will have to take out the enemy with strategic pinpoint attacks that disable their terror rockets and missiles. When the evil Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah are all dealt a staggering blow of epic proportions, then there will be “happy days” for Israel and the rest of the world, and please G-d, true peace and the coming of Mashiach.
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