The Bully Pulpit


So I took this photo in the Renwick Gallery.

I believe it is called, “Apocalypse.”

And the miserable misanthrope evil-doers are riding in on their fiery mule to lie, murder, and destroy.

Perhaps what’s not so bad in-and-of itself is to have to face many of life’s challenges and work hard to overcome them.

But what is unconscionable these-days is that we are being often and repeatedly lied to and manipulated.

No longer is the truth and good seemingly on top of the agenda, but rather the script of normalcy and calm is paramount.

Thus, rather than passion and piloting, we get a lot of spin, exaggeration, manipulation, and some could say outright lies, for example:

- The “health of the economy” (anyone look at our runaway national debt register or grossly widening economic inequality lately)

- The “security of our nation” (anyone believe that Iran or North Korea are standing down their WMD programs)

- That ISIS is on the run and terrorism is waning (anyone really think San Bernardino or Fort Hood was “workplace violence”)

- The success of the nation’s newest healthcare program (anyone believe that the public “Affordable Care” insurance is giving healthy coverage at great prices)

- The absence of bigotry and discrimination (anyone think that racism isn’t so bad with killings over taillights and at “peaceful” protests)

- The transparency of our government (anyone look at the statements of the FBI versus the former first lady).

And doesn’t the list goes on and on.

Listen, we all make mistakes, including leaders, but creating a false narrative for the “stupid” public and media “echo chamber” is beyond immoral — it literally breaks the compass.

Civilized society and any vestige of positive relationships therein is built of trust and communication, but when these are simply tools to fool the coined dumb-a*s people, rather than lead them, then we are listening only to evildoers on a bully pulpit.

Maybe that’s why nearly 70% think we’re headed in the wrong direction…because look at the absence of integrity leading the pack. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)



Andrew (אברהם נפתלי) Blumenthal
Andrew (אברהם נפתלי) Blumenthal

Written by Andrew (אברהם נפתלי) Blumenthal

Andy Blumenthal is a dynamic, award-winning leader 35+ years of experience delivering results across the public and private sectors. Views are his alone.

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