Requirements Management 101
This was a funny Dilbert on Requirements Management.
In IT, we all know that getting requirements can be like pulling teeth.
No one either has time or desire to provide them or perhaps they simply don’t know what they’re really after.
Knowing what you want is a lot harder than just telling someone to automate what I got because it isn’t working for me anymore!
In the comic, Dilbert shows the frustration and tension between technology providers and customers in trying to figure out what the new software should do.
Technology Person: “Tell me what you want to accomplish.”
Business Customer: “Tell me what the software can do.”
In the end, the customer in exasperation just asks the IT person “Can you design [the software] to tell you my requirements?”
And hence, the age old dilemma of the chicken and egg — which came first with technology, the requirements or the capability — and can’t you just provide it!
(Source Comic: Dilbert By Scott Adams)