QC + AI = S


Quantum Computing (QC) + Artificial Intelligence (AI) = Singularity (S)

Quantum Computing — Computers using subatomic particles to superprocess at incredible speeds and with less energy — it’s similar to massive parallel processing, but in the case of Qubits, they can store more than just 1s and 0s (bits — a binary state), but rather can be both o and 1 at the same time (a “superposition”). So for very large problems (“exponential scaling”), instead of processing (computing one step at a time), you can process all options simultaneously to find the very best (“optimized”) solution by eliminating all options that don’t fit the algorithm.

Artificial Intelligence — Computers simulate intelligence, using language, perceiving their environment, reasoning to draw conclusions, solving problems usually done by humans, being creative, and where they can actually learn and self-improve!

Singularity — A state of runaway hypergrowth from the attainment of computing superintelligence, where computers are able to autonomously build ever smarter and more powerful machines that surpass human understanding and control leading to unfathomable changes to human civilization.

The Information Age is giving way to the Intelligence Age, and it is all ready to explode.

We are getting to the point of no return…

(Source Photo: Screenshot from YouTube with attribution to the move, Lucy”)



Andrew (אברהם נפתלי) Blumenthal

Andy Blumenthal is a dynamic, award-winning leader 35+ years of experience delivering results across the public and private sectors. Views are his alone.