Nuke Fear Turning To Action


What sane person would not be afraid of the incredibly destructive power of nukes (and other weapons of mass destruction)?

Currently, there are about 15,000 nukes either stockpiled or poised to strike around the world.

Enough deadly weapons to kill the entire planet!

After a frightening series of 5 nukes tests since 2006 plus 18 technologically progressive ballistic missiles tests over the last 6 months, things are escalating after new sanctions imposed to try to contain the threat — with North Korea rattling it’s nuclear arsenal with a shrill threat of attack moving to “physical action” and the U.S. shooting back “fire and fury,”

As to further North Korean mad progress, it was reported that they are developing a powerful new H-bomb with immense destructive power, especially towards our density killing fields:

- If such a weapon would strike, G-d forbid, Washington D.C., it could mean 500,000 dead and another 900,000 injured — let alone what this would mean in terms of a destructive decapitation to the very functioning and continuity of our government and country.

- Even worse fatalities would occur should it strike our financial capital, New York City, with estimates of 1.7 million dead.

Hence, the news that this is no joking matter anymore (as if it really ever was).

Fears typically first get expressed in rhetoric, but then with greater and ever potent means for them to become reality, the risks increase for them to actually make the horrific leap.

What happens next with the ever menacing dangers from rogue Axis of Evil nations, North Korea and Iran — and will we ever feel and be safe again, absent any meaningful social progress while they continue to absolutely and speedily advance their ever more deadly weapons programs and the means to deliver them, first class. ;-0

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)



Andrew (אברהם נפתלי) Blumenthal

Andy Blumenthal is a dynamic, award-winning leader 35+ years of experience delivering results across the public and private sectors. Views are his alone.