Holes In The Eyes


IDK who this bust is, and I don’t care.

What I do know is that there are some people (not all) in this world who are very bad people that are blind to truth and good.

They see themselves not only first and foremost but only themselves — they are truly selfish pr*cks!

Next, they see their buddies from the “old boy’s network” where one dirty hand washes the other even dirtier hand.

They see everyone else as pawns to get what they want — power, money, prestige — and in turn others are for their abuse and as a punching bag.

People born and bred on immediate and self-gratification at the expense of doing what’s right.

Power used to intimidate, to harass, to bully, to step on, to shame, and to kick to the gutter.

To them it’s just what it takes “to make it” in this world. And for them they don’t consider what they are giving up in the world to come.

It’s an ancient war of good over evil where bad people seem very strong indeed.

But where we can’t cower from a fight for what we know in the end is right.

Where did their eyes go? ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)



Andrew (אברהם נפתלי) Blumenthal

Andy Blumenthal is a dynamic, award-winning leader 35+ years of experience delivering results across the public and private sectors. Views are his alone.