Hate, Discrimination, and Violence…But We’re One

Andrew (Avraham) Blumenthal
1 min readFeb 10, 2016

As we live day-to-day in near endless and escalating cycles of hate, discrimination and violence along national, religious, racial, gender and other divides…

It is nice and refreshing to see someone wearing a t-shirt this morning that says:

“One World, One Dream”

I don’t know what the Asian characters above it say…but hopefully, it’s more hopefullness!

Unfortunately, without a common enemy — whether disasters, plague or alien invasion — what divides us normally seems stronger than what holds us together.

Hence, routine murders, maimings, abductions, rapes, enslavement, and harrassment of one neighbor against the other.

We behave like little children fighting for the toys in the sandbox except with consequences that can elevate all the way to genocide or WMD.

As we squabble with each other, perhaps there are moments when we can have the self-awareness and strength of character to actually look in the mirror with some shame for how low we’ll stoop to get our share in a world of divine comedy.

Wouldn’t it be nice for humanity to change ways and instead have compassion on each other (children of G-d), share the toys, and end the miserable hate. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)



Andrew (Avraham) Blumenthal

Andy Blumenthal is a dynamic, award-winning leader 35+ years of experience delivering results across the public and private sectors. Views are his alone.