Excellence Vs. Mediocrity
So we all know how hard it can be to get ahead.
The long hours, hard work, and grueling repetition to try to reach near-perfection.
Even then, of course, we need G-d’s mercy and blessings and a measure of good luck to succeed.
Also, by definition, not everyone can be “the best” at everything.
I suppose the expectation for most people is that they try at least to excel at the things that they need to do or are most important to them, as well as maintain work-life balance.
In this light, it was interesting to hear a story recently about mediocrity (and not excellence).
When asked to step up on the job, one person responded in the negative saying:
C’s get degrees (too)!
Of course, this must have sounded pretty shocking and off-putting.
In other words, they weren’t going for the “A” or even a “B”. A “C” grade was fine for them — as long as they didn’t completely fail with a big “F”.
Who knows what circumstances may have led this person to settle for mediocrity — just wanting to pass.
Perhaps they had serious personal or family issues — and had good reason to be taking a step back (for a while).
But I think there could also be more tactful ways to say it too — like explaining if there were mitigating or challenging circumstances in their life right now.
If there really wasn’t mitigating circumstances and the person was just “slacking off” or didn’t care, one has to wonder why — are they just “milking the system” or is there something more fundamentally wrong?
C’s get degrees, but to me the real question is: Are you doing your best given your particular life circumstances? ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)