Dr Merry-Go-Round
So I was talking with a friend and he was pretty frustrated with the state of medical care these days.
He mentioned that no doctor wants to take responsibility for the patient anymore.
Maybe that’s why they punt to other doctors and have big medical malpractice insurance.
But he said something really interesting…
“You wind up going on doctor merry-go-round until you [actually] find someone willing to help…”
One doctor sends you to another doctor and this one sends you to that specialist and it goes on and on.
Sometimes they just can’t figure out what’s wrong.
Usually comes across as trial-and-error or a process of elimination.
But then if they don’t want to deal with you or don’t know what’s wrong or how to treat they pass you off to the next doctor and so on, and so on.
I suppose to a certain extent it makes sense because medicine like many technical fields is very specialized now-a-days.
But how much is it the specialization stuff and how much is it that they just don’t want to deal with the hard stuff or don’t want the liability.
Dr. Merry-Go-Round takes you on a very nauseous ride and makes it tough sometimes to get the care you need. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)